About Us
Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service (SFCS) is a nonprofit family counseling agency. Since 1920, SFCS has served those who live or work in the greater Scarsdale area.
Our mission is to be a center for family growth and learning, offering support for families, couples, and individuals facing both everyday challenges and crises. We aim to enhance the functioning of families and their individual members through family life education. Additionally, we seek to stimulate social thinking and action to improve social conditions and collaborate with other organizations to achieve this purpose.
Our History
Founded by the Scarsdale Woman’s Club in 1920, Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service (SFCS) became an incorporated, independently governed organization in 1944. Since then, SFCS has dedicated itself to strengthening and supporting family life and contributing to the well-being of our community.
We achieve this through a variety of programs and services designed for all segments of the population, including psychotherapy, aging in place services, youth outreach, social skills groups for children, mental health services, and family life education.
Supporting Families Through Every Stage of Life
At SFCS, we view human problems through the lens of family. We see individuals as integral parts of a complex, multi-generational system. We believe change is possible, often by looking at old problems in new ways. Whether working with children, teens, or adults, our approach is always rooted in the family perspective.
SFCS is a vital community resource, offering innovative programs for all age groups. Our dedicated professional staff is available day and evening to assist anyone in need of help or support during challenging times. We also collaborate with community agencies and volunteer groups to strengthen our community and address emerging challenges.
At SFCS, no one is ever turned away. While client fees, grants, and fundraising by our Board of Directors provide essential support, they are not enough to cover all costs. We rely on the generosity of individual contributors to bridge the gap and continue our vital services.
Every community feels the impact of contemporary life’s complexities: changing family structures, substance abuse, dual-career parents, aging, caregiving, and economic pressures. SFCS serves as a center for family growth and learning, offering help and understanding to families, couples, and individuals at any life stage.
Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service (SFCS) is a nationally recognized family service agency, accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children. Our professional staff are licensed mental health providers in New York State. SFCS is governed by a board of directors representing the Scarsdale Edgemont community.